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  • admission@jakartamontessori.com
  • Jl. Durian 10, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta 12620
  • Articles


    ooh-koo-lay-lee WHY A UKULELE? The Ukulele (commonly pronounced “you-ka-lay-lee” but officially pronounced “ooh-koo-lay-lee”) came to Hawaii via Portuguese immigration.The Hawaiian name translates to “jumping flea” – uku (“flea”)and lele (“jumping”). The bright sounds of the nylon and fingers hopping about the fretboard provide a strong testimonial for the name. But why start with a ukulele […]

    21 Century Skills

    The 21st Century classroom is student centered, self directed and focused on creating life-long learners. The 21st century learner is an innovator, a collaborator, a critical thinker, a problem solver, a global and ethical citizen, a communicator. The 21st century learner is multi-media literate, a digital native.   A 21st century Student is a Problem Solver […]


    Discovering the wonders of Sea Life is one of the topics that the Preschoolers study in depth this academic year. They were introduced the history of the ocean and creatures that existed during the Palaeozoic era, discussing which ones evolved and became common sea animals we see today. Focusing on saltwater fish, they began to […]

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