• +62 21 727 2162
  • admission@jakartamontessori.com
  • Jl. Durian 10, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta 12620
  • parent

    Mrs. Mita Hussein, Mother of Kenzie and Kareizo- Lower Primary

    Jakarta Montessori School (JMS) is like a second home to me and my children. The place always brings so much happiness and joy. This year will be the 6th year of my children being school in JMS and I also took my Montessori Diploma in JMS back then in 2012. It has been such an […]

    parents-testimonials (7)
    Mrs. Petra Corcoran, Mother of Sean

    As a JMS Parent, I want what’s best for my child. My son Sean, is a student who can’t take too much academic pressure. He is a fast learner and learns at his own pace and style and that is why Jakarta Montessori school is the right school for him. I am very pleased to […]

    Mrs. Mutiara Ichsan, Mother of Emir- Preschool

    I am grateful that my kids could be part of JMS family. Montessori has taught my kids to be independent, self-motivated and confident, just to name a few. I am also impressed on how well-mannered they are, which I believe was taught through ‘Grace and Courtesy’ lessons in the class. As a parent, I strongly […]

    Mr. & Mrs. Suhadi, Parents of Mason

    Our son is a student at Jakarta Montessori School. His experience in a Montessori environment began when he was 18 months and he is now a 5 year old. He is an independent thinker and has imbibed good values. We love the Montessori methodology because they move from concrete to abstract. Mason is able to […]

    Mrs. Danti Setiawan – Mother of Fatima

    Metodologi Montessori sangat membantu anak saya untuk belajar membawa dirinya dengan baik dalam kehidupan nyata. Fatima sangat suka pergi sekolah karena dia menikmati setiap aktivitas eksplorasi, pengalaman, dan penalaran berpikir dalam mempelajari bidang2 ilmu pengetahuan. Secara bertahap anak saya menunjukkan peningkatan dalam hal kompetensi, kreatifitas, dan percaya diri. Fatima juga sangat menunjukkan perhatiannya terhadap isu-isu lingkungan […]

    Mrs. Chika Soufyan, Parent of Kirana(Year 9) & Kaysan(Year 5)

    Having our children at JMS has absolutely made them independent, responsible, respectful and compassionate; compared to many children at their age.  The Montessori way of teaching and a mixed group class, has a very good effect on them, especially in a way of teaching: the older kids learning and helping to take care of the […]

    Mrs & Mr.Okochi , Parents of Ichiro(Year 3) & Kafu

    JMS style of education is very different from that of Japan. In Japan mostly students rely on memorization – basis, however at JMS, kids are taught to be more creative from experience – basis. Our kids love JMS so much that even on holidays, they tells us they want to go to school!  We as […]

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